From January 2021, Per Olof Arnäs will join as an associate partner in Steerlink Partners. Per Olof will divide his time between Steerlink and Einride, where he will also take over as Senior Logistics Expert.
Per Olof Arnäs has worked in the logistics industry since the late 1980s, both in industry and in academia. He is a mechanical engineer and later a doctor of logistics from Chalmers and leaves a position at the Department of Technology Economics and Organization at Chalmers as a senior lecturer and deputy head of education.
His main research focus is the digitalisation of the logistics industry, both how it can be implemented and what effects it has. Per Olof is an advisor to the government in the National Freight Transport Council and to DG Move in the international Digital Transport and Logistics Forum. He is a frequently hired speaker, moderator and he is the founder and co-host of Logistikpodden and Logistics Rocks as well as co-host of Podgeek - a podcast about podcasting.
Hi Per Olof and welcome! What are you most looking forward to in the new collaboration with Steerlink Partners?
- Throughout my professional career, I have had various types of side activities where I have supplemented my daily work with interesting assignments for business, authorities and others. Now that I am leaving the academy, I see even greater opportunities to be able to help and inspire others linked to digitalisation, trend research, board work and more.
In what way do you think you will benefit from your experience and knowledge?
- Over the years, I have worked with many different areas such as programming, project management, education, research, communication, strategic development and more. I'm pretty deep in several areas and pretty wide in between. There are many companies that struggle to understand digital development and there I can be an asset as an advisor, inspirer, eye opener and generally creative injector.
Finally, can you not share something about yourself that not many people know?
- I love good food and building things and have just rebuilt an old grill into a pizza oven that reaches 500 degrees in half an hour. If I get what I want, I will probably have built a real oven within a year…